We’ve decided to spend a week in Galway, relaxing and
enjoying the Arts Festival. We had not
planned to attend the Arts Festival or for that matter to come to Galway, so we
have got lucky once again on both counts.
The Arts Festival is an annual event here in July and is one
of the most influential arts enterprises in Ireland. Galway is a beautiful town, nestled between
Galway Bay and on the banks of the River Corrib. It is a beautiful location and the town is
now bustling with activity and visitors due to the festival. I read that the festival will feature over
500 writers, artists, performers and musicians from America, Asia, Australia
and Europe and of course Ireland. The Festival will highlight dance, physical
theatre and spectacles from America and Europe illustrating the Festival’s
continuing commitment to staging extraordinary, ambitious and innovative
We have arrived at Eire Square by bus and one of the chaps
in the bus ropes in a fellow traveller who is
going past our accommodation to
show us the way. We are constantly
surprised both by the friendliness and hospitality of the Irish. So many people have gone out of their way to
help us out and this has made our stay here extra special.
We have checked into student accommodation once again, as we
are staying here a week. It is a
20-minute walk from the city centre and our apartment is comfortable, spacious
and relaxing. We are really happy to be
here. There is a big supermarket across
the road so the first thing we do is stock our fridge with groceries and then
cook a big bowl of spaghetti. We are
already confident that we’ll enjoy our time here. It will give us a few days to get caught up
with our writing and to relax with plenty of time to enjoy the festival and the
surrounding sights.
The buskers at the festival were quite incredible. They ranged from really incredible performers
with sophisticated sound systems to others like the ‘Plink-Plonk’ man who
stands around with a cardboard guitar next to a music stand with a sheet of
music muttering the words to his song! I
loved the guy dressed up like an Indian sadhu who seemed to be magically
suspended in air and I was happy to part with a few euros for the privilege of
taking his photo. The chap who made
beautiful sand sculptures of a dog or pig, was also incredibly talented and a
draw card for the kids as were the people who posed as statues dressed up in
elaborate gear. Most of all there were musicians
everywhere. The girl on the harp played
beautiful music and the variety of bands and solo artists playing both rock and
Irish music added a great vibe to the pedestrian area. The group playing Irish music captivated us
and we purchased their CD as a souvenir.

on where to visit and promised to put us in touch with a friend who runs alternative tours in Berlin. We get an email from him later and once again we are amazed at the generosity of the Irish people.
Both Steve and I were keen to experience a bit of theatre
while we were here but unfortunately, this Festival is very popular and many of
the shows we wanted to see were sold out. We bought
tickets for one show at the main
festival and left feeling a little disappointed there weren't more shows available.
It was quite by accident that we bumped into
a group of people gathering signatures on a couch. Curious, we stopped to chat. It was then that we heard about the Fringe
Festival here in Galway, which was not being promoted by the organisers of the main festival. We learnt there was a show on that night – The Great Couch
Rebellion and after signing the couch we promised to return for the
show. We really enjoyed this bit of theatre, set
around the economic crisis that is gripping Ireland. The show centres around Adam and Eve, a young
couple gripped in the throes of a mountain of unpaid bills, a mortgage that
hangs like a noose around their necks and unemployment. The show centres around Adam, a rather
complacent Irishman and his feisty and pregnant Greek wife who tries to provoke
him from his apathy to get up and make a stand about the austerity measures and
their plight. It is piece of theatre set
around the crisis that is facing Europe today and highlights the fact that so
many people just carry on despite the obvious signs of collapse, convinced that
things will work themselves out in the end.
The second show we saw was called Stella and Lou and was produced by the Northlight Theatre. It is a very topical story, and centres on conversations
in Lou’s bar. Lou is a retired widower
who rarely ventures too far away from his beloved bar. He is afraid to love again since losing the
woman he lived with and loved for so long.
Stella is a nurse who has never experienced real love and is petrified
of dying alone. She has plucked up enough
courage to ask Lou on a date and shake him out of his apathy. The play also includes a much younger
character in Donnie who is struggling with the demands his fiancé is making on
him to turn their wedding into this imagined fairy tale. He is shocked at how much it will all cost
and the fact he may have to re-mortgage their house to pay for the horse and
carriage, her dress and her numerous other new demands she dreams up each day! We enjoyed the show immensely because it was so
true to life and had so many poignant moments that so many in this mostly
middle-aged audience could identify with.
The other highlight of our time in Galway was spending a day
with our friend Helen. You may have read
Helen’s Story, which I wrote while we
were in Scotland. Helen lives close to
Galway and made the trip to the city to join us at the festival. We spent an enjoyable day together watching
circus performers, comedians and musicians as well as catching up on our news
since we parted ways at Findhorn. Saturday
was a really fun day at the festival as there were many special street
I love this aspect of travel. The instant friendships we make with perfect
strangers who then move in and out of your life as you pass through their city
or they through yours. Facebook helps us
stay connected but these face-to-face encounters help make the friendship real. It is our last day in Galway and we enjoy the
sunshine and have a splurge at a Spanish restaurant before bidding this town
"I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod: My shadow does that much better." Plutarch
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