There is no time like the present to be GREEN.
We think it is time to re-think politics in our country. As
NSW gears towards another State election, I wonder how many of us are taking
the time to seriously consider the issues?
Or are we just too busy that, come Election Day, we will go and tick the
same old boxes? The Greens talk of grass
roots democracy and we find that appealing.
They talk about a just and caring society, protecting public education
and of a plan to give NSW 100% renewable energy by 2030. I was excited to read they want to stop coal
seam gas and save our land and water, to keep solar subsidies for households,
to expand our bus and train networks, to protect public health and provide
housing security. More locally they propose to develop the Westside of Hornsby
as a liveable community village rather than the towers that will only increase
congestion. This is why I find them
The Greens acknowledge that we at a tipping point and if we’re
going to improve our living environment, then we have to clean up not just the
environment but politics in NSW. They
acknowledge that limiting climate change—and all the damage it can do by
limiting our ability to grow food, wiping out species and increasing extreme
weather events—is now the major challenge facing humanity. We may not have realised it here in Sydney
but 2014 was the planet’s hottest year on record. It was also the year greenhouse gases set new
It’s that time again when we can have a say about our
future. What will you say? What will you choose? Should we keep voting
the way we always have or is it time to think differently?